Monday, December 15, 2008

all that is left is Lola

It has been a bit of a rough week and a half....Betty (nice kitty) went to live in her new home in Cambridge. They have four young children so I can only assume she is still in hiding. Libby (mean kitty-MY cat) went to live in her new home in Casey, IA. I don't even know where that is but I hear from a friend that she is doing well. I miss them...terribly.

All I have now is an obnoxious dog that thinks I am a joke and either completely ignores me or barks at me. I swear I think she is cussing me out sometimes. She ate a wooden coaster today. And she chewed on 2 presents that were under the tree. Right now she is barking incessantly at nothing. But as soon as Chad comes home she will be as sweet as pie and I will forget about all the naughtiness of the day. I think he is the basset whisperer. I suppose it is good that one of us is...

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