OK-so here is the other side that I think is done. Yes? No? I love it except I want a new plate holder upper. The one shown is actually for a book but it was all I had. And it totally doesn't go with the other side or at least the start of the other side. I had to take down the Eli pic on the other side since I took down the Madeline pic on this side. AND I think it may be too birdcentric. I did bring in the green candles to play off the green trees on the other side but I think the bird on a wire pic that Chad drew is too bright to fit in. Ugh. This is so much harder than I thought it would be. Suggestions?
P.S. I got that rockin' plate and bird nest and eggs at Pottery Barn with gift cards I had today. Have you seen all their bird stuff?? Love it!!
this looks awesome! you need to post a pic of both sides together so we can see the "big picture". i wonder if i have any decorative stuff that you could use...i have somet things that aren't in the current rotation that would work...i'll look in the basement! (p.s. for some reason i couldn't see your txt last night, was it a picture?)
It was this picture! Ha! I couldn't wait for you to see it!!
Yeah, the sides are unequally yoked. The other side needs some serious help now!
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