Tuesday, August 10, 2010

No screens. day 2

This morning started out a little rougher than yesterday. I think the tremors from withdrawal were making the kids crazy. I haven't been sleeping well with all the storms the last couple nights so that didn't help either. But none of us caved in and turned on the tv. YAY!!! A small victory but a victory none the less. The morning flew by when we went out to run some errands. Bank, library, grocery store.  Got home and had lunch. Madeline was looking at one of her library books and asked what conjoined twins are. I told her I would show her after lunch. I took one of her scarves made from t-shirt material and tied the kids together at the waist. They have to stay like that (except during bathroom breaks) for the rest of the afternoon. I had them unload and load the dishwasher together to get them accustomed to being attached to each other. They are sitting on the couch looking at a book together now. It should liven things up a bit around here and give them something else to think about besides what they are going to watch as soon as the screen fast is over.


Meredith said...

LOL! i can't believe you tied them together!! that is the funniest thing ever!!

i love eli's face in the last picture...he looks a bit unsure about this whole "twins" business...

Anonymous said...

Rather than just give a quick answer to the question, you turn it into a hands-on learning experience. Should I be blessed with children in my future, I hope I'm same kind of mother that you are to your babes. Madeline and Eli are so very lucky!!