Monday, December 27, 2010

new goodies

I was blessed this year with GREAT gifts. 

 So excited to read this. It comes out Feb. 1!!

 A couple gift cards to Starbucks. YAY!

 Target gift card. What could be better? 

Le Creuset Honey Pot...isn't it the CUTEST?? 

This may seem weird to some...but I really wanted a stainless steel knob for my LeCreuset pot that I got for my birthday/Mother's Day last year. It looks amazing!! 

 This lovely blue cover for this...
Nook Color!! Woohoo!!! 

What did you get for Christmas this year??


Meredith said...

You scored!! Awesome. I didn't know PW's book comes out so soon! I can't wait to read it & see the movie!!


I got a animal print scarf, iTunes g.c, a black down vest, a handmade gift certificate for a "day away"!! yippee!

Cin said...

Whoo-hoo!! Both my gifts made the blog post!! Except your sister-ornament. I don't quite know how to take that, Manda.

manda said...

HA! Cin-I haven't taken a pic of it yet!! Although it was tagged in my Christmas album on Facebook!!!

haverlee said...

Good to know. I was about to ask about your ornaments but I'll go check facebook :)