Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I am absolutely loving all that my kids are learning at Heartland. Here is a perfect example:

I was all ready for work tonight and I had a horrible headache. I was lounging on the couch and Eli comes over and asks what is wrong. I tell him I have a headache. He says "Well, all I need to do is put my hands on you." He kindof giggles and acts uncomfortable. I tell him that it is okay. He asks where he should put his hands and I tell him wherever he wants. He places both hands on the top of my head and closes his eyes. "God, please help mom feel better. Help her have a good night at work. Amen." He opens his eyes and looks at me with so much expectation. And you know what??? My headache was gone. Jesus healed me through my baby boy. Madeline was standing by and they were both so excited that Jesus healed me and they had been witness. God is so good!!


Anonymous said...

Wow...that's pretty amazing. Hard not to be touched by stories like that. :-)

Faithful Froggers said...

How amazing to see the Lord working through your beautiful children. Thanks for sharing that story.

Meredith said...

faith like a like a child. i love it. i go to oliver before any bottle of tynelol these days!