Monday, January 18, 2010

365 Pics-Day 16, 17 & 18

Madeline's birthday was a HUGE success! 

The big pom poms in the kitchen above the cake table. You can tell that I used different amounts of tissue for each one. The middle one has 12 sheets of tissue paper. It is my fave.

The cake table.

Her fave gift...Adventures in Odyssey:The Official Guide. She is a tad obsessed with AIO (as she calls it.) We like to feed into her obsessions. The bow in her hair is from a gift.

Blowing out the candles on her carrot cake. It was her choice and my mom has the BEST recipe ever. Veggies and cake...what could be better?

In other related news.....oy vey. The girl turns nine and the very next day guess what appears....a breast bud. Google it.


Anonymous said...

So glad the party was a huge success!!

I googled breast bud. Amazing. I'm not sure I recognized my own breast buds when it happened. These are the types of things that should be documented. Is Chad prepared for training bras and her humilation at the thought of him seeing it lying about the house? Those were the good old days of childhood, I tells ya! LOL

haverlee said...

Ok...hilarious story. I totally remember an embarrassing trip to the doctor to get that "lump" checked out when I was like, 10 or 11!!!