*The kids are in swim lessons this past week and the upcoming week. They both totally dominate in their classes. Eli can do a solid back and front float and Madeline is doing the crawl stroke. I am so impressed by them and all they have learned in four days.
*I have 90% of my curriculum for next year and I can't wait to get started. Would it be wrong to start at the beginning of July? Ha! My kids would hate me. We are using Sonlight for history, reading, and language arts. If you click on the link you will see all the awesome books we will be reading for history! I am beyond excited! Plus I got my core (what is in the picture) for $200 on ebay versus the hefty $450 price tag on Sonlight's site. YAY me! We will continue using MathUSee for math. Madeline had asked me to switch her math because she was so bogged down last year with multiplication. MathUSee is a mastery curriculum so Madeline did ALL multiplication last year and she really wanted to switch things up. I can totally understand that. I was a little tired of multiplying as well. This year she will be doing all division which I think will be so much easier than last year considering she knows all her multiplication tables and that is half the battle. In addition to that, to break things up a bit for her this year, my sister found this!! Madeline will own her own virtual pet store!! She will figure out inventory, mark up, utilities that need to be paid, learn how to write checks, fill orders, etc. There are chance cards that she draws every day that could be good for business or bad for business. She is going to love it!!
*Our fourth of July plans have tanked. (Feel free to invite us over for a barBque and to watch fireworks.) We were going to go to Okoboji to the Miller cabin on Spirit Lake but Chad ended up being on call. There are two guys on the IT/data side of Baker Com (where he works) and the other guy quit. So now there is one lone data tech, my hubby. Due to the economy they are on a hiring freeze so Chad will be the "it" guy for data until who knows when. If you think of him, please pray that this transition goes well and that he will withstand the stress of being the only one. It won't be easy, but I know he can do it!
*I don't want to talk about weight loss anymore. There is so much more to my life than losing weight. That is all I am going to say about that. *insert your favorite Forrest Gump comment here*
*Chad and I are going here for our 10 year anniversary. So far the oil spill (spill is such a dumb way to describe what is happening. It is so much bigger than a spill.) has stayed away and I pray that that continues. I can't wait. 7 weeks to go!!
*My lovely ghetto van is getting about 500 dollars in repairs today. Yuck. What a boring way to spend $500. But I need this piece of junk to last me a couple more years so better take care of it now before it gets worse, right? I am trying to be an adult about it.
You want to join us on July 5th? Does Chad have that day off? (even if he doesn't you could come with the kids). The Colyer/Ottley's are going to a pool in Ankeny. It belongs to someone at Colyer's church and they go out of town so we get to use it. Its SO much fun and very laid back...you're more than welcome!
I'll be at the lakehouse in Fremont for the 4th. I'd say you are more than welcome to come. But I'm also sure that you would not be able to. Just know there was a sparkly crown with your name on sitting on the beach just at the water's edge. And my favorite part of the lakehouse? There's not one super skinny person, you can eat and drink to your heart's content, and no one gives a damn. They just want ya there for the party, not the body.
**I've read my comment back to myself several times and it either sounds witty or incredibly snooty. I'd invite you to read it and NOT think snooty.**
"Life is like a box of chocolates"???
It was the only FG quote I could recall. I love reading your blog. So happy about your curriculum joy. And, of course, Eli and Madeline are swimming in the waves of Peepaw. You might want to inspect them for hidden fins. I'm smiling and I promise to pray for Chad in his job. your maternal parental unit
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