Thursday, September 2, 2010

School shmool...

We started school yesterday. Madeline is in 4th grade. Eli is in 1st. I am using Sonlight curriculum for the most part. Yesterday was a better than average day. Today was awful and I almost called the school district to see if we could enroll Madeline. I feel like I am failing her. That I don't get her. That I have lost all patience with her. That my life would be SO much easier if she wasn't home all the time. 

Then I realize that God sees my heartache. He knows that I am struggling. He has called Chad and I to live this homeschooling life and He will provide everything I need to be a better teacher, mom, and wife. I need to let go of my own selfishness and remember that I only have my kids with me for a short time. That I am the best mom for Madeline and Eli. I am the best wife for Chad. I thank God for never leaving me to do it on my own because, as today showed, I will fail every time.

Lord, help me be who you called me to be. Give me supernatural patience for my children. Give me supernatural wisdom as their mom and teacher. Let me see them as You see them. Let Your love flow through me and may they see You through me. 


Meredith said...

i had about the same exact first couple days of school! so sorry to hear it was a bummer of a day today. Praying for you guys!!

sara said...

There are so many highs and lows with homeschooling. You are doing a good job!!! And to realize that our strength comes from HIM! Thanks for the reminder!

Delite said...

You get it, honey. It is the power of God, that supernatural mystery, that will bring fruit in your children beyond what you could foresee. It is your obedience that God uses to release this power. Love you so .. .

The Kimlers said...

Keep up all the great work, trust me in saying, one day when she's older she will be so thankful YOU took time to teach HER. Promise. Also, looks like you had a GREAT vacation with Chad!! Hope you enjoyed wearing your summer dress, wore mine today and thought about you!:)